Brand: Mojo
Narwhals do not have a dorsal fin, possibly an evolutionary adaptation to swimming easily under ice. Their neck vertebrae are jointed, like those of land mammals, instead of being fused together as in most whales. Both these characteristics are shared by the beluga whale.
Brand: Mojo
Native American Mother with Baby
Brand: Mojo
Crocodiles are one of the planets oldest living creatures, thought to be around 200 million years old which means that crocodiles were around in dinosaur times. As crazy as it sounds, crocodiles are known to swallow stones when they are on the banks of the water. The crocodile does this to not only help its digestive system but also to aid the crocodiles water buoyancy. It is thought that by swallowing stones, the crocodile may also be able to swim to deeper parts of the water.
Brand: Mojo
xpanding the range slightly for 2018 we have launched a range of North American wildlife keychains complete with counter display and holding 72pcs across the 12 different styles.
Brand: Mojo
Octopuses are ocean creatures that are most famous for having eight arms and bulbous heads. Some other fun facts: They have three hearts and blue blood; they squirt ink to deter predators; and being boneless, they can squeeze into (or out of) tight spaces. They are quite intelligent and have been observed using tools.
Brand: Mojo
As with their dolphin cousins, killer whales are extremely vocal animals and communicate between one another using clicks and whistles in a process known as echolocation. Killer whales are known to at their most vocal and noisy when the killer whales are hunting and the killer whales are much calmer and quieter when they are resting. Killer whales are known to use different sounds when the killer whales are participating in different activities.
Brand: Mojo
Orlov trotter is the oldest and most popular “stud” breed in Russia. Orlovs are not as fast as the Standardbred and French trotters, but are more robust, massive, endurable, sure–footed, strong, and tough. Their trotting action is more impressive. Orlovs are extremely valued in Russia as ameliorators of local breeds.
Brand: Mojo
Oryx is a type of antelope. There are four species of oryx. One species is extinct in the wild due to extensive hunting, but there are still a few animals living in captivity (such as zoo). Oryx can be found in eastern and southern parts of Africa, in Oman and Jordan. They live in dry, arid or semiarid areas such as deserts, savannas and steppes.
Brand: Mojo
The Giant Panda has always fascinated people and therefore goes by a number of different names with it’s scientific name meaning “cat-foot black and white” and it’s Chinese name translates literally to “Giant Bear Cat”
Brand: Mojo
There has been much debate about the functions of the crest but these days most scientists agree that it helped Parasaurolophus identify male and females, increased hearing ability (acoustic resonance) and also helped regulate body temperature (thermoregulation).
Brand: Mojo
There has been much debate about the functions of the crest but these days most scientists agree that it helped Parasaurolophus identify male and females, increased hearing ability (acoustic resonance) and also helped regulate body temperature (thermoregulation).
Brand: Mojo
Though parrots do have some taste glands at the backs of their throats, most of their 300 or so taste buds are located on the roofs of their mouths. Compared with the 10,000 taste buds in a human mouth, the birds’ palate may not seem like much, but parrots do show definite preferences for certain foods.
Brand: Mojo
A winged horse in Greek mythology, Pegasus was supposedly the offspring of the sea god Poseidon and the Gorgon Medusa. According to legend, Pegasus was born from the blood that spurted from Medusa’s neck when the hero Perseus killed her. Pegasus served Perseus until his death and afterward went to the home of the Muses. The water that gave the Muses their inspiration had dried up, so Pegasus stamped his hoof and created a spring.
Brand: Mojo
A winged horse in Greek mythology, Pegasus was supposedly the offspring of the sea god Poseidon and the Gorgon Medusa. According to legend, Pegasus was born from the blood that spurted from Medusa’s neck when the hero Perseus killed her. Pegasus served Perseus until his death and afterward went to the home of the Muses. The water that gave the Muses their inspiration had dried up, so Pegasus stamped his hoof and created a spring.
Brand: Mojo
A winged horse in Greek mythology, Pegasus was supposedly the offspring of the sea god Poseidon and the Gorgon Medusa. According to legend, Pegasus was born from the blood that spurted from Medusa’s neck when the hero Perseus killed her. Pegasus served Perseus until his death and afterward went to the home of the Muses. The water that gave the Muses their inspiration had dried up, so Pegasus stamped his hoof and created a spring.
Brand: Mojo
The Polar Bear is a large species of bear that is found inhabiting the ice fields in the Arctic Ocean. It is the biggest species of bear in the world (with the exception of the KodiakBrown Bears found in Alaska which can reach similar sizes) with males often weighing-in at around 600kg. Thought to be closely related to the Brown Bear, the Polar Bears’ name actually means “Sea Bear” as they are known to not just spend a great deal of time close to the coast, but are also strong and capable swimmers that have been spotted up to 100 miles from the closest ice or land.
Brand: Mojo
Mojo Fun - Highly detailed and hand painted Animals, Birds, Sea Life and Dinosaurs. The word Mojo literally means "inner magic". Mojo's aim is to awaken that inner magic in everyone, to reveal the child that lies within us all
Brand: Mojo
Mojo Fun - Highly detailed and hand painted Animals, Birds, Sea Life and Dinosaurs. The word Mojo literally means "inner magic". Mojo's aim is to awaken that inner magic in everyone, to reveal the child that lies within us all.
Brand: Mojo
Mojo Fun - Highly detailed and hand painted Animals, Birds, Sea Life and Dinosaurs. The word Mojo literally means "inner magic". Mojo aims is to awaken that inner magic in everyone, to reveal the child that lies within us all.
Brand: Mojo
The Proboscis Monkey spends the majority of it's life very close to water and is an adept swimmer, aided by it's partially webbed feet which help it to both paddle in the water and walk on the slippery banks. The Proboscis Monkey is very agile whilst in the trees and is also known to leap into the water from heights of up to 50ft!
Brand: Mojo
Unlike deer that renew their horns annually, the antelope has strong permanent horns, that antelope mainly use to defend their herd or to fight other antelopes.
Brand: Mojo
As elephants do today, the woolly mammoth had enormous tusks which would have been used for both digging and collecting food, and for intimidating and fighting off both predators and rivals. The tusks of the woolly mammoth were often quite dramatically curved and could easily be up to 5 meters (16ft) long.
Brand: Mojo
Perfect for the imaginative play for young children and for school projects. Mojo Animals help you bring nature to life! Full to the brim with character and detail these toy figures come in a variety of sizes and styles from Dinosaurs and Fantasy to Wildlife and Pets there's an Animal for everyone! Perfect for learning, play and collection the only limit is your imagination. Start your Mojo animal collection today. We believe that quality and safety are the most essential elements needed to create toys that would not only inspire a child’s imagination, they would forever have a special place in their hearts. All our toy figurines are...
Brand: Mojo
The Quarter Horse is one of the oldest American breeds. The history of the Quarter Horse begins in Virginia in the early 17th century when American settlers obtained horses from the Chickasaw Indians. These wild horses were descendents of the horses brought to America by the Spanish explorers. They were then crossed them with imported English running horses’. These horses were well- suited to the needs of the early colonials, everything from pulling, hauling, and as riding horses.
Brand: Mojo
Rabbits are small mammals found naturally in Europe, South Africa, Sumatra and Japan. Rabbits are also often found in the desertregions of the Middle East where the rabbits inhabit the greener parts of the deserts where there is enough food and water for the rabbits to survive.
Brand: Mojo
Rabbits are small mammals found naturally in Europe, South Africa, Sumatra and Japan. Rabbits are also often found in the desert regions of the Middle East where the rabbits inhabit the greener parts of the deserts where there is enough food and water for the rabbits to survive.
Brand: Mojo
Rabbits are small mammals found naturally in Europe, South Africa, Sumatra and Japan. Rabbits are also often found in the desert regions of the Middle East where the rabbits inhabit the greener parts of the deserts where there is enough food and water for the rabbits to survive.
Brand: Mojo
Rabbits are small mammals found naturally in Europe, South Africa, Sumatra and Japan. Rabbits are also often found in the desert regions of the Middle East where the rabbits inhabit the greener parts of the deserts where there is enough food and water for the rabbits to survive.
Brand: Mojo
Rabbits are small mammals found naturally in Europe, South Africa, Sumatra and Japan. Rabbits are also often found in the desert regions of the Middle East where the rabbits inhabit the greener parts of the deserts where there is enough food and water for the rabbits to survive.
Brand: Mojo
Immediately identifiable by their black “masks”, raccoons are in many ways nature’s bandits. Their silver grey coat is spackled with black, making a great nighttime camouflage for this nocturnal omnivore. Raccoons vary greatly in size. They can range in weight from 4 lbs. to 20 lbs., though specimens weighing up to 40 lbs. are not unheard of. When including their long, banded tail they usually measure between 23 to 38 inches long.
Brand: Mojo
Immediately identifiable by their black masks, raccoons are in many ways natures bandits. Their silver grey coat is spackled with black, making a great nighttime camouflage for this nocturnal omnivore. Raccoons vary greatly in size. They can range in weight from 4 lbs. to 20 lbs., though specimens weighing up to 40 lbs. are not unheard of. When including their long, banded tail they usually measure between 23 to 38 inches long.
Brand: Mojo
Rattlesnakes can grow from 1 to 8 feet long, depending on the species. They all have patterned skin, but their color can vary. All rattlers have a triangle shaped head and eyes with a black slit. Rattlesnake venom is poisonous to humans, but they’re not trying to hurt us. They would rather be left alone. They usually only strike if they’re scared or startled.
Brand: Mojo
Dragons are a much-loved mythological animal that are gigantic, powerful snake or reptile-like creatures. They have appeared in mythology throughout the ages and are especially popular and cultural in China.
Brand: Mojo
Perfect for the imaginative play for young children and for school projects. Mojo Animals help you bring nature to life! Full to the brim with character and detail these toy figures come in a variety of sizes and styles from Dinosaurs and Fantasy to Wildlife and Pets there's an Animal for everyone! Perfect for learning, play and collection the only limit is your imagination. Start your Mojo animal collection today. We believe that quality and safety are the most essential elements needed to create toys that would not only inspire a child’s imagination, they would forever have a special place in their hearts. All our toy figurines are...
Brand: Mojo
Wild foxes tend live for around 6-7 years, but some foxes have been known to be older than 13 in captivity. The wild fox hunts for the mouse and other small mammals and birds, but foxes appear to enjoy all species of insect.
Brand: Mojo
Mojo Fun - Highly detailed and hand painted Animals, Birds, Sea Life and Dinosaurs. The word Mojo literally means "inner magic". Mojo's aim is to awaken that inner magic in everyone, to reveal the child that lies within us all.
Brand: Mojo
Reindeer don’t fly, but they do sometimes have red noses. These animals are part of the deer family, or Cervidae, which includes deer, elk, moose and wapiti. Like others in their family, reindeers have long legs, hooves and antlers.
Brand: Mojo
Mojo - Woodland - Reindeer Calf.Mojo Fun - Highly detailed and hand painted Animals, Birds, Sea Life and Dinosaurs. The word Mojo literally means "inner magic". Mojo's aim is to awaken that inner magic in everyone, to reveal the child that lies within us all.
Brand: Mojo
Perfect for the imaginative play for young children and for school projects. Mojo Animals help you bring nature to life! Full to the brim with character and detail these toy figures come in a variety of sizes and styles from Dinosaurs and Fantasy to Wildlife and Pets there's an Animal for everyone! Perfect for learning, play and collection the only limit is your imagination. Start your Mojo animal collection today. We believe that quality and safety are the most essential elements needed to create toys that would not only inspire a child’s imagination, they would forever have a special place in their hearts. All our toy figurines are...
Brand: Mojo
This is a Rhino Baby Walking Animal Figure made by the good people over at MOJO. MOJO makes great creature figures that have fantastic detail and are perfect for collectors and kids
Brand: Mojo
Lemurs are one of the few animals that live in a matriarchal society, which means that the female lemurs have more control over the group than the male lemurs. These lemur groups however, behave in a very similar way to other primates as they feed and groom each other, as well as sleeping close to one another. It is not known why lemurs exhibit this rare form of social structure.
Brand: Mojo
Like others of their kind, sable antelope have a social structure based on territory, age, and strength. The strongest adult males, called “bulls,” set up territories in good grazing areas. They constantly patrol, encouraging females to enter and challenging other males. A challenge begins with circling each other, pawing the ground and lashing tails. It ends when the bulls drop to their knees and lock horns. From there it’s a pushing contest, and the strongest antelope wins.
Brand: Mojo
Unlike modern crocodiles, which attain their full adult size in about ten years, Sarcosuchus kept growing and growing at a steady rate throughout its lifetime. As a result, the largest, most superannuated SuperCrocs reached lengths of up to 40 feet, compared to about 25 feet max for the biggest crocodiles alive today.
Brand: Mojo
Dragons are a much-loved mythological animal that are gigantic, powerful snake or reptile-like creatures. They have appeared in mythology throughout the ages and are especially popular and cultural in China.
Brand: Mojo
Dragons are a much-loved mythological animal that are gigantic, powerful snake or reptile-like creatures. They have appeared in mythology throughout the ages and are especially popular and cultural in China.
Brand: Mojo
Sea Elephants migrate in search of food, spending months at sea and often diving deep to forage. They return to their rookeries in winter to breed and give birth. Though both male and female sea elephants spend time at sea, their migration routes and feeding habits differ: Males follow a more consistent route while females vary their routes in pursuit of moving prey.
Brand: Mojo
Contrary to popular misconception, sheep are extremely intelligent animals capable of problem solving. They are considered to have a similar IQ level to cattle and are nearly as clever as pigs.
Brand: Mojo
Contrary to popular misconception, sheep are extremely intelligent animals capable of problem solving. They are considered to have a similar IQ level to cattle and are nearly as clever as pigs.