
Brand: Mojo
Although the primary role of the Border Collie is that of the working stock dog, dogs of this breed are becoming increasingly popular as pets. True to their working heritage, Border Collies make very demanding, energetic pets that are better off in households that can provide them with plenty of exercise and a job to do.
Brand: Mojo
Bottlenose dolphins are generally known to have a calm and playful temperament, particularly around humans. As individuals, bottlenose dolphins are not aggressive by nature but if they feel threatened, bottlenose dolphins will use their immense pod size to their advantage which will often intimidate unwanted intruders.
Brand: Mojo
The name Brachiosaurus comes from Greek words meaning arm and lizard. The name refers to the interesting nature of Brachiosaurus legs which were longer at the front than the back.
Brand: Mojo
The name Brachiosaurus comes from Greek words meaning arm and lizard. The name refers to the interesting nature of Brachiosaurus legs which were longer at the front than the back
Brand: Mojo
Tapirs are solitary animals with the exception of the mating season and the mother tapir nursing the baby tapir. Due to the fact that tapirs are very shy animals there has been little interaction between humans and wild tapirs.
Brand: Mojo
Brontotherium is one of those prehistoric megafauna mammals that has been “discovered” over and over again by paleontologists, as a result of which it has been known by no less than four different names (the others are Megacerops, Brontops and Titanops). Lately, paleontologists have largely settled on Megacerops (“giant horned face”), but Brontotherium (“thunder beast”) has proven more enduring with the general public.
Brand: Mojo
Although they are sometimes called parakeets, “budgie” is the term for the common pet bird, while “parakeet” refers to a larger group of small parrots, of which the budgie is a member. In other words, all budgies are parakeets, but not all parakeets are budgies!
Brand: Mojo
Although they are sometimes called parakeets, “budgie” is the term for the common pet bird, while “parakeet” refers to a larger group of small parrots, of which the budgie is a member. In other words, all budgies are parakeets, but not all parakeets are budgies!
Brand: Mojo
Bull sharks are aggressive, common, and usually live near high-population areas like tropical shorelines. They are not bothered by brackish and freshwater, and even venture far inland via rivers and tributaries.
Brand: Mojo
Bull sharks are aggressive, common, and usually live near high-population areas like tropical shorelines. They are not bothered by brackish and freshwater, and even venture far inland via rivers and tributaries.
Brand: Mojo
Sea lions are often seen in large groups of sea lions. Sea lions hunt in groups and in pairs and group numbers increase during the mating season. There have been instances where sea lionshave been aggressive towards humans in the water. These acts are thought to be because the sea lions either want to play or they are male sea lions displaying and enforcing their dominance within their terrritory.
Brand: Mojo
Other than the human, the African buffalo has no real natural predators as the buffalo is able to easily defend itself using the buffalos sheer size and power. Lions, crocodiles, leopards andhyena are all amongst those animals that prey on the buffalo although they are usually only successful in catching the buffalo in large numbers.
Brand: Mojo
Capable of staying submerged for up to 5 minutes, capybaras can press their ears against their heads to keep water out. Once they exit the water, their thin coat of coarse hair dries quickly.
Brand: Mojo
Despite the cats unbeatable night-vision, a cats eyesight during the day is actually not too dissimilar from a humans! Due to this, cats are more nocturnal hunters looking for small rodents and birds. The average domestic cat sleeps for around 18 hours a day and tends to spend their waking time hunting for food. Despite wild cats being solitary animals, the domestic cat is known to enjoy attention from humans and other animals and will often even get on well with some dogs.
Brand: Mojo
Despite the cats unbeatable night-vision, a cats eyesight during the day is actually not too dissimilar from a humans! Due to this, cats are more nocturnal hunters looking for small rodents and birds. The average domestic cat sleeps for around 18 hours a day and tends to spend their waking time hunting for food. Despite wild cats being solitary animals, the domestic cat is known to enjoy attention from humans and other animals and will often even get on well with some dogs.
Brand: Mojo
Perfect for the imaginative play for young children and for school projects. Mojo Animals help you bring nature to life! Full to the brim with character and detail these toy figures come in a variety of sizes and styles from Dinosaurs and Fantasy to Wildlife and Pets there's an Animal for everyone! Perfect for learning, play and collection the only limit is your imagination. Start your Mojo animal collection today. We believe that quality and safety are the most essential elements needed to create toys that would not only inspire a child’s imagination, they would forever have a special place in their hearts. All our toy figurines are...